Cigar Humidity & Temperature
For cigar enthusiasts, storing cigars under the right conditions is critical to preserving flavor, aroma, and quality. Achieving the ideal balance of humidity and temperature in your humidor ensures your cigars age well and are always ready to enjoy. Here’s why each factor matters, how to maintain it, and what can go wrong if they aren’t properly controlled.
Why Humidity Matters
Ideal Humidity Levels
Cigars are best stored in an environment with a relative humidity (RH) of 65-72%. This level keeps the tobacco leaves at the ideal moisture content, maintaining flexibility and a rich flavor profile. A stable RH level prevents the tobacco from drying out or becoming too moist, both of which can impact the burn quality and taste.
When Humidity is Too Low
If the RH in your humidor falls below 65%, cigars can start to lose their essential oils, which are key to flavor and aroma. Dry cigars may become brittle, making them susceptible to cracking and breakage. Smoking a dry cigar is often unpleasant; it can burn too hot, leading to a harsh taste and a faster burn that doesn’t allow you to enjoy the full experience. Additionally, overly dry cigars may lose some of the nuances in flavor that come from the aging process..
When Humidity is Too High
On the other hand, a high RH level above 72% can cause cigars to absorb too much moisture, leading them to swell. Overly moist cigars may develop mold—a costly and frustrating problem for any cigar collector. Excess moisture can also affect the burn, making the cigar difficult to light and prone to an uneven burn pattern. In this state, cigars may lose their integrity and even change flavor, with the natural sweetness of tobacco potentially turning bitter.
Why Temperature Control is Essential
Ideal Temperature Range
For optimal cigar storage, maintain a temperature of 65-70°F. This range slows down the aging process just enough to keep the oils and flavors developing smoothly without risking quality. Consistent temperature ensures that each cigar ages gracefully, preserving its intended flavor profile and structural integrity.
High Temperatures and Tobacco Beetles
When temperatures exceed 70°F, you risk attracting tobacco beetles. These pests can detect tobacco at higher temperatures and, once inside the humidor, will start burrowing into your cigars, destroying their structure and rendering them unsmokable. Beetles are particularly drawn to warmer environments, so maintaining a temperature below 70°F is crucial to protecting your collection from infestation. Some cigar enthusiasts even recommend briefly freezing cigars before storing them to kill any beetle eggs, though this can be risky if done improperly. The best approach is to keep your humidor at or slightly below 70°F to create a non-viable environment for tobacco beetles.
Low Temperatures
While lower temperatures pose less immediate risk than high temperatures, they can still affect the aging process. Storing cigars at a temperature below 65°F can slow down the development of flavor and aroma, causing the cigars to feel flat and less flavorful when smoked. Cold temperatures also make the cigars dry, as they interfere with the tobacco’s natural oils, which play a major role in a cigar’s taste. Consistent, moderate temperature is key to ensuring your cigars reach their peak potential without any loss in quality.
Maintaining the proper balance of humidity and temperature is essential to preserving your cigars. By carefully controlling these two factors, you’re not only protecting your investment but also ensuring that every cigar in your collection is a pleasure to smoke. A quality humidifier is an invaluable tool for achieving this balance, keeping your cigars in peak condition for years to come.
Invest in your cigar collection by exploring our high-quality humidifiers. Whether you’re a casual smoker or a serious collector, our humidifiers can help you achieve the perfect environment for your cigars.